Just what the title says.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Actor Keanu Reeves lists the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Commando as being the most personally influential work of art that he has ever experienced. In a 2003 interview, Reeves said "I've seen the movie at least 75 times. It never gets old. It's the first movie that I ever saw that really made me appreciate the magic of the cinematic process, how it can be used to change lives and make them better. And the main character, John Matrix, is great. Since I first saw the movie I have always tried to live my lifes by the ideals that Matrix holds. I have a WWJD bracelet and in my mind I always use John instead of Jesus. Also, I know for a fact that if it wasn't for this movie, I would never have even thought about playing the role of Neo. I read the script for the The Matrix and thought that it was needlessly violent and philosophically confused. But I could never get over the name, and eventually that is what caused me to take the role."

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